Okay, well I just signed up to this list today, and I see people are
telling about themselves and their collections. Cool. I'm 37 and do
network consulting (Netware, NT, Linux, IPX/SPX, TCP/IP, blah blah
blah). Besides the Pentium 120 I'm typing on, and a half dozen assorted
other PC clones, here are the machines in my collection:
Apple IIe
Apple III (loose system board, ps, and disk drive--no case!)
Apple Mac Plus
Apple Mac SE
(wow, I can hardly leave my house without one of these machines falling
out of the sky and smacking me on the head--I own two or more of each
model listed here except the 130XE and Mega STe)
Atari 400 (busted my cherry on this one)
Atari 800
Atari 1200XL
Atari 600XL
Atari 800XL
Atari 65XE
Atari 130XE
Atari 520ST
Atari 1040ST
Atari Mega STe
Adam Computer module for Colecovision (biggest kludge in computing
CBM PET 4032 (mmmm. this one is SEXY)
SX-64 (lovely)
Amiga 500
Portable (the original Compaq XT clone? Model: COMPAQ)
Interact Electronics
The Interact Home Computer (strange 8080a machine with RF out,
chiclet keyboard, and integrated cassette. (C) 1979)
Lawrence Livermore Laboratories
MST-80b (8080a machine nicely mounted in a briefcase! (C) 1976)
Intellivision ECS computer module (I need the keyboard)
Custom Wire-Wrapped 6800-based System in Generic S-100 Backplane Box
(I think from the panel scribbling, this was used to read/write digital
audio tape--one switch at a time ;) maybe historical? maybe not.)
SMC-70 (no video cable--I think this works, but I need the pinout on
the db25 video jack!)
Color Computer 2
Color Computer 3
Texas Instruments
TS 1000
Most of the above stuff either works well, or is in need of minor work
(usually finding parts and/or data books!) that I expect to complete
soon, with a little luck. I'm pretty aggressively out there
accumulating stuff at flea markets and surplus stores these days.
I also own most every video game console ever made (I'm not
exaggerating, much), over 1,000 game and app cartridges, at least a
hundred calculators, and 15 coin-op arcade machines. I have a disease.
When I'm not tinkering with all that stuff, I program the Atari 2600.
Oh, and If anyone has an RCA Cosmac ELF available, drop me a line.