On 06/15/2014 10:55 PM, Tony Duell wrote:
During preparation of the machine for VCFE i had a failure in the CRT's high voltage
Yep, flyback burnt..
The high voltage winding was potted as a separate unit, enabled my to
rewind the flyback's primary (was burnt).
Are there only 2 windigns? What
about any taps on them? A single shorted
turn anywhere will cause problems.
No taps, but extra windings for CRT filament.
OK... Does the filimanet look to be the nroaml brightness? You will ahv
eproblems measuring the CRT heater votlage, ist's a very 'peaky' waveform
which confuses most meters, even many true-RMS ones (it is, of cours,e
the RMS vlaue of the heater votlage that is important).
What fialed
after the few seconds? The output transistors?
The HV diode connection.... Primary
side is still OK.
Come to think of it, that might have caused the hissing.
Do you meant the wire dropped off the rectifier diode or something? I
thought youwere having overheatign outptu transsitors...
You meight well get hisisng fro mthe input side of the diode, it is an
HF-ish (10's of kHz) signal, and won;t spark liek a DC signal.
Anyway, try it with a new diode. If you get an image, it's likely that
things are roughly right. Do you have na EHT meter? If so, chck the EHT
on the CRT anode.
It's possible the capacitor is breakign down. It will be painful to test
since you need a 10's of kV PSU.
FWIW, if the output transisotrs are not fialing then generally there's
not a lot wrong with the circuit.