Ethan Dicks wrote:
They keep us freely caffeinated at work where I am now
(free (Lipton)
tea, free coffee (no decaf), free soda (6 common varieties).
I wish my work did -- the beancounters at head office sent this through
the other day:
It has come to our attention that Petty Cash is being used for the
purchase of inappropriate items, such as:
- Food and drink: tea bags, coffee, milk, etc.
- Postage stamps
- [... the list goes on ...]
The real clincher is that HO used to send us tea, coffee and stamps with
the store stock -- they later stopped that and told us to buy the stuff
locally and charge it to petty cash. Now we're supposed to buy what we
need, then fill out a 4-page claim form, and send that back to head
office to claim our money back, which then (allegedly) goes into our
respective pay packets 2 months after it's approved.
Needless to say some of us aren't particularly happy with this -- we
have to send lab test reports to Fujifilm every couple of weeks (hence
the stamps) and nobody wants to pay for a book of stamps... or the
envelopes to send the test reports back. The Area Manager is cheesed
that we're "spectacularly failing" the photo-lab quality checks, but
nobody wants to actually send us some stamps so we can send the reports
Gotta love big business. The bigger it gets, the dumber it gets.
I love my tea (with milk and sugar in the
British/NZ/Oz style) but I
don't think it puts me in the right frame of mind for hardware or
software hacking - too relaxing, caffeine or no.
This week, I've been drinking mostly water, but I do enjoy the
occasional cup of "Tick Tock" (rooibos / redbush -- caffeine free) tea.
But as you say, even that isn't ideal for coding...
classiccmp at