On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, Eric Dittman wrote:
What do you
think so far?
I don't do all that much on the mainframe, but my systems work
with the mainframe over SNA. The application software has come
up without a hitch so far. What funny is the mainframe CICS
support people moved the test CICS regions over from the LPAR
on the R66 to the LPAR on the Z47 without anyone noticing
(thanks to VTAM). APPLIDs sure do come in handy.
That's pretty neat. I really like the redirection and hardware
partitioning capabilities of mainframes. Mainframes kick a wide variety
of batch-processing ass.
This Sunday is the big switch of the production
environment. I'll
be around just in case
Cool. Let me know how it goes.
Peace... Sridhar
Eric Dittman
School Zones: Man's attempt to thwart natural selection.