Hello all,
Please, no flames if you don't consider an Ultra 30 a "classic
computer". :-) At 300 MHz, it's not terribly recent either.
My system is a Sun Ultra 30, 300 MHz, 1.7 GB RAM and a 16 GB hard
disk. Trying to install Solaris 10 10/08. The initial installation
reboots after having copied Solaris to the hard disk and the machine
freezes at the line "creating new dsa pair"... I've given it a few
hours on several occasions with no success.
Note that NetBSD works just fine on this system and that I encountered
the same DSA key problem with Solaris 10 4/08. Also, I had had
significant trouble installing NetBSD initially because of defective
memory (the system would freeze at "boot cdrom" until I removed the
offending items). Once the problem with the memory was resolved, the
NetBSD installation worked perfectly and I presume that the remaining
sticks are fine. Finally "boot -k" (after the Solaris installation
has copied Solaris to the hard disk) yields no further details.
- Alex