On Wed, 4 Nov 1998, Uncle Roger wrote:
What would be relevant is how much you would sell your
1200XL or Ferrari
for. If it's not for sale, what you paid for it, or even the fact that
another exists, is meaningless.
I have to disagree. There are people who have never set foot in a thrift
store or surplus store who have no problem paying 2-3 (or for this 1200xl,
60) times what the equipment they're bidding on can be found for in those
On the other hand, people get what they deserve by not doing their
research. Many things that go for ridiculous amounts there are available
tons of other places for less on the net, especially home micros (Atari,
C=, etc), and can be found with a simple query on a search engine. I have
to reluctantly admit that even I have bid on something in the heat of the
moment, only to curse up and down while sending the money order because it
was available at a flat price, guaranteed, for less...
Aaron C. Finney Systems Administrator WFI Incorporated
"UNIX is an exponential algorithm with a seductively small constant."
--> Scott Draves