Hi all....
I hate having to do this and it saddens me when I have to, but I have no
choice and it's important that others know so that they too don't get
involved in a transaction which will leave them out of cash and without the
item they bought.
Back before Christmas I worked out a deal with Jeff Worley:
Jeffrey S. Worley
Asheville, NC USA
To purchase his SWP ATR8500 CP/M system. I rushed him a money order
as he had explained he was having money problems and needed the cash asap.
He and I exchanged several emails and I waited and waited, a month went by,
I contacted him and no response, then I pinged the mailing list asking if
anyone knew where he might be as sometimes people have real-world issues and
their email and such may not be working. Turns out this was the case. I
was sent his telco# and in February I called Jeff, we had a long and
pleasant conversation and he promised to get my system out to me
immediately. So again, I waited and waited. Here it is yet another
month later and still nothing. So now I call Jeff's telco# it too is now
disconnected and still nothing has ever arrived, I'm out several hundred
dollars and Jeff is nowhere to be found. So while a patient individual, I
have no choice but to deem this deal a wash and Jeff is listed a theif and a
bad trader, let this be a warning to all to stay clear of him as he had more
then ample time to have squared this deal with me or return my money to me.