he was a PC recycler. what he has is what you get
through that channel.
So if people brought him all those computers with the understanding
they'd be recycled .... but instead he kept that all for his personal
enjoyment, and now he's trying to make a huge profit from them .... that
smells bad.
I don;t get this
Most (if not all) people who give their old computers to recyclers don't
much care what happens to them. They have no further use for the machine.
They may want to keep toxic matrerials out of the landfill (but that
would be met if the machine is kept in operation by the recylcer), they
don;t want any personal data that may remain on the machin spread aroudn
(but there's n osuggestion this is occuring).
Presumably you think it would be OK for the recycler to extract any
nmaterials of value from the machine and keep the profits himself. So
what's the problem with keepign the entire machine intact?