From: Tony Duell <ard(a)>
There was certainly a PDP11 version. And I remember
reading about a
I know, the first time I'd seen it was early '78 on a Heath H-11. It
convinced me to get the NS* configured version (not cpm based)
as it was cheap.
In 1978 what UCSD got me...
I had NS DOS and their BASIC, no compiler, no asembler.
I has CP/M 1.4 with all the 8080 tools and 8k MSbasic, still no HLL
UCSD got me a compiled language that was vogue and a real
screen based editor that beat the tar out of CP/Ms ED.
By 1978 standards 50US dollars was cheap for UCSD and far cheaper
than CP/M or even the MSbasic for CP/M.