Does anybody haev (or know of a source) of a data sheet or pinout diagram
for the Epson E3890S chip (60 pin PQFP)?
I am pretty sure it's an LCD driver, it's used in the Panasonic RL H1400
handheld computer which I am currently trying to sort out.
[As usual, please send only text to this address. If you have a image or
pdf giving the information, I can give you another address to send it to.
A couple of gotchas on the RL H1400. Firstly, the display window is also
the front polarising filter for the display. You'll see nothing on the
display with it out of the case.
Secondly, the ASIC on the CPU board is also involved in driving the LCD.
The 8 LCD backplane lines are connected to wires in the interconnecting
cable between the CPU board and the keyboard/display PCB.