-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: cctalk-bounces at
[mailto:cctalk-bounces at
classiccmp.org] Namens Tony Duell
Verzonden: zondag 18 april 2010 20:24
Aan: cctalk at
Onderwerp: Re: Suggestions for repairing HP tape drive capstans?
I use rubber precision pipes (a special kind of
Deoes anyone know a UK supplier of small-ish quantities (I do
not want to buy 100m of the stuff ;-)).
Diameters for the 9144 are inside 6/16 outside
7/16 inch.
Do you mean that? The roller is a lot larger than that. OK,
it would stretch onto the hub, but surely if the inisde
diameter is 3/8" (6/16") and the outside is 7/12", them the
wall thicknerss is only 1/32". And the old tyre looks a lot
thicker than that.
Oops, wrong notes :-(
It should be inside 1/2" outside 11/16"
I glue the with polypurethane glue and grind to
the right
size using
sandpaper 150 (3M wet or dry)
I asume you run the motor off a bench supply and carefully
hold the abrasive againsit it.
I finish the capstands with a sandpaper 400 so
the surface
is smooth.
For the HP85 / 9825 /9835 tapedrives I use a
6.5mm citroen
hydraulic rubber.
Is that what I would call a 'sleeve seal'? That is the little
rubber seal you put ove the enf of the pipe before screwing
the union down? IIRC they come in 3 sizes, I assume you need
the largest one.
Yes the sizes are 3.5mm 4.5mm and 6.5mm inside, it's a special kind of
neopreen which is oil and wear resistant.