I think I have several Z-100s, and one of them was given to me by
someone who was moving out of town. In checking it out, it had a Pickles
& Trout S-100 board in it (HPIB I think.) The docs didn't have any info
on this board, so I called Dana Trout to ask him what this thing was. He
was a bit puzzled for a bit because it didn't have a serial number on it
and all of their boards were serialized. As the pieces came together, it
turned out he gave this computer to the person who gave it to me with
the understanding he would never see it again :).
Z-100/H-100? That wasn't much of a "clone", was it? So many
differences from the original!
Yes, and so much cooler!!! Love my Z-100! CP/M-86 rocks!