It was thus said that the Great Bill Whitson once stated:
While I'm at it... What are some other concerns
along these lines. What should we be planning
for as these machines grow 5, 10, 15 years older?
Replacement parts. One of the newsgroups I follow (which is a shadow of a
mailing list) there was major concernt over the availability of floppy drive
controller chip (the 1773 I think). That particular chip isn't being made
Also, on the subject, floppy disks. I've heard they have a shelf life of
approximately 10 years, but so far (knock on formica) I've been lucky
(although out of a box of 10 8" disks, only three were good).
-spc (Oh, don't forget lack of documentation - I have tons of PC cards
that may well be perfectly good, I just don't know how to set
them up ... )