On Apr 3, 2012, at 11:11 AM, Dave McGuire wrote:
On 04/03/2012 08:49 AM, David Riley wrote:
Having recently gone through
the process of building VMS from scratch (with copious help from an
online tutorial from Hoffman Labs), it's non-trivial for the uninitiated
Oh c'mon, it's not that tough. ;)
I stress the "uninitiated" part. If you haven't gone through it,
it's a bit daunting. I'm sure the config options for the Linux
kernel are similarly daunting for those who haven't done a million
before, but I can do a menuconfig nearly in my sleep at this point.
(plus you need
to get install media from somewhere, which took me
about a month from Montagar).
I wish I'd known you needed it! :-/
Ah, well. It was worth the wait, anyway. The licenses from the
VMS hobbyist organization sure come through fast, though. I still
need to get a PL/I license from Kednos, but that's due to lack of
action on my part rather than theirs.
- Dave