On Mon, 16 Feb 1998, Cord Coslor wrote:
Next, I am curious about a Data General One laptop
computer I picked up.
Specifically, I need to know what type of power supply it takes, as I
can't find that information anywhere. It says it is ms-dos based, but I
am wondering what dos would run on it. It has 2 3.5" disk drives (Epson
drives), and I am curious as to if it had a hard drive? It has a
full-screen, I would suppose monochrome? Could it display graphics,
etc.? Also, when was it made?
The DG/One can be viewed in Data General's virtual wax museum at
The machine was produced in 1984 and they refer to it as "the industry's
first truly portable IBM-compatible PC." Which is a bit of a stretch,
since it wasn't 100% PC-compatible, and it came out two years after other
similar MS-DOS clamshell designs such as the GRiD Compass.
-- Doug