On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 3:50 PM, Tony Duell <ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk> wrote:
As you may know, Radio Shack sold the Sharp PC1211
under the name 'Pocket
Computer 1' (or PC1). They also sold pre-recorded tapes of programs for
it (AFAIK, these were not Sharp products).
Anyway, I've got the rpgorams from the 4 'Engineering Math' tapes and the
'Electrical Engineering 1' tape as plain ASCII files (BASIC progam
source). Does anyone know of a website which archives such things, if so,
I would be happy to provide them.
I don't recall the Sharp model # (there were many, as seen here:
http://www.promsoft.com/calcs) but I think the Sharp version was my
first "computer." It's long gone but I have the Radio Shack version
now. I have never loaded software for it off of cassette (or any
other medium.)
These folks are preserving software for a related model:
http://www.pc1500.com. Maybe they would be interested in expanding
backwards also.
-- jht