I would be more conserned with getting my long hair
caught in the disk.
Which would certainly cause a headcrash... (Note I didn't say which head
would crash and into what ;-))
I've been told by my local DEC field engineer that the heads don't get in trouble
with big stuff
i.e. everything you can see. That's just kicked off the disk - dangerous is the stuff
that fits
under the heads... Hair does not fit under the heads.
My comment could also be taken to mean that if hair attached to you head
gets caught in the drive mechanism, then _your_ head will crash into some
prt of the drive chassis.
But anyway, getting back to the normal sense of 'headcrash', I am not
brave enough to try dropping a hair on a running RK05 platter to see what
happens (Yes, I have spare heads and the alignment pack, but I am not
goign to waste them). It might well be alright, but I am not going to
risk it.
Oh, that bad RK8E controller just confronts me with "Data break error" :-(
IIRC a ;'data break' is a bit like DMA. I do haev the prints and some
technical desription, so I could help you debug this sometime...