I've got a couple of 486 boxen (25 mHz, 8-megs of
Ram, 1.2 gig
hard drive) sitting around the house. I'd like to make one of them
into a Linux-based firewall for my cable modem. (I also have a copy
of Turbo Linux available for this project)
Currently I use both a PC and a Mac, and switch between them via
a KVM switch. Both are equipped with Ethernet cards to connect into
the cable modem. I've tried using an Ethernet cable switch to
select either the PC or the Mac, but it didn't quite work the way I
expected it to.
As in you have to boot fresh after switching?
At the very minimum, I would like to be able to
* have both the PC and Mac be able to access the internet at the same time
* do the usual firewall stuff (e.g. keep the bad guy out. I currently
use ZoneAlarm on the pc, and it does a decent job)
What we use here is Vicom Internet Gateway (now SoftRouter) on a Mac
to connect our 40 Windows systems to the Internet. However, since you
started this thread with wanting to do it with Linux, you need the IP
masquerading stuff for Linux; I never got that far with Linux, so someone
else will hopefully chime in here.
I'd also like to go further, and have the Mac and
PC read each other's
hard drives (still, while keeping outside users out)
Ouch... you didn't mention what runs on the PC... assuming Windows,
I don't know of any freeware AppleShare clients for the PC. You
can use PC MacLAN, but it's just under $200.
Maybe NFS?
-doug q