On Wed, 6 Jul 2005, Joe R. wrote:
Subject: Re: Computer Museum
I got this today from a from a guy that says that he's planning on
setting up a computer museum in the Orlando area. Interested parties
should contact him directly.
> We are only in the initial planning stage, thus we
need to know what
> equipment is available. Locating, and subsequently gathering, the collection
> is the longest process, so we are starting it first.
Umm, not to be cynical, but I think the first, the longest, the
most difficult task, would be securing funding in order to
continue existing.
Sorry, but this sounds like a personal wet dream. Those are fine,
but as they say, keep it in your pants.
Even the San Diego museum had a hard go at it, and they are pros.
A pile of stuff does not a museum make. The Maslin collection is a
good example.