On May 29, 2014, at 1:55 PM, Tony Duell wrote:
35mm film ~
10MP in my experience.
I reckoned that Kodachrome was a bit more, but you can't get that now :-(
I still tinker with film occasionally, a couple of colleagues at work use it exclusively
and they are semi-/professionals and do good work. It can be fun working with film but to
get excellent results takes a lot of care and work. I have also read that 35mm is around
~10MP if tripod mounted and sufficiently fine grained, and that hand holding it drops to
around 6ish. This seems to echo my own experience with film vs digital. My first dSLR was
a 6MP camera (a Pentax *ist DS) and in Raw shooting side by side comparisons with Fuji
Provia 100f they seemed pretty close to me (with a slight edge to the film).