I just picked
up an IBM 3270 Personal Computer Programmed Symbols Adapter
card in the box. The box says that it's "an option that provides the
storage and controls for displaying an APL font and six additional
programmable fonts." It's a full length 8 bit card with two sockets on the
to edge. There is also two jumpers in the box that I assume are used to
jumper this card to another card. I didn't get any instructions or
software with it. Does anyone know how to use it or have instructions etc
for it?
That sounds like a card which could enable my otherwise useless IBM
monitor meant for the 3270XT. There was a previous discussion on this
machine a while back. I think there were something like 5 cards in the
total array which didn't leave much for peripherals in the XT. On the
other hand I might be thinking of the Epson QX-10 Valdocs :^))
Like Sam, I think of three cards in this connection, but I also recall that not
all machines had all cards. The 3270 card may not have been the same card as
the display adaptor...
On the display side, there was a display card, which may or may not have been
part of the terminal card. Without it, you can't drive the 5272 monitor, I'm
afraid. In addition, you could get the All Points Addressable (APA) card, which
emulated the CGA graphics modes (but note that the 5272 only displays 8
colours), and the PS card, which you have, which emulated the graphics and
programmable character set modes of the 3279 terminal.
I'm afraid the card on its own won't be of much use...