John A. Dundas III wrote:
Do you really need to distinguish RSTS? There are a
variety of ways
to, but the stock MACRO and CREF don't, as far as I know. RSTS looks
like an SJ environment to most RT-based programs.
You are correct. The problem is when VBGEXE.SAV is used under a mapped
RT-11 monitor (RT11XM)
to load and initiate MACRO.SAV, especially for a system job.
If RSTS/E looks like an SJ environment, then it should provide that
information to an
RT-11 request to determine if a mapped monitor is being used. That will
since the problems can occur ONLY with a mapped RT-11 monitor.
Can anyone verify that the CONFG2 (location 300 offset) word will show
an unmapped monitor?
This is extremely easy to verify. Assuming that an RT-11 distribution
is available, an attempt to:
under RSTS/E will generate the error message that a mapped monitor is
required as the very first
bit of code that is executed if RSTS/E looks like a SJ monitor as far as
any RT-11 program is
concerned. VBGEXE.SAV is available with all RT-11 distributions
starting with V05.01 of
RT-11. Probably the best distribution to use is V05.03 of RT-11 which
is available at:
There will still be the problem of extracting VBGEXE.SAV and placing the
file into the
RSTS/E environment. But anyone running RSTS/E under an emulator should
have very
little difficulty in that regard. If you run into any problems, I can
probably help.
Thank you again. I lost track of this file which you told me about
almost a year ago.
I hope that the file will provide the information.
Jerome Fine