Was it really that few? I know that some of the older
12-bit machines
were made in small quantities (like ~1000 -8/Ses), but I had no idea
that one could count LINC-8s in dozens.
Well, my only source is this:
Which says 142 sales(!). And given its age and how few I've seen or
heard of it seems plausible.
Are you including the ones that Charlie Lasner has?
I visited him about 15 years ago and saw at least one of them, along
with a whole lot of other stuff I'd never seen anywhere else (and I
own several intact R-series-logic machines - sorry... no pile of
module spares; I wish I did have extras).
Maybe. I was thinking of the Retrocomputing society of Rhode Island,
which I believe has one or two, but I have not confirmed that.
But now mr Lasner is on my list as well :)
I did a search for LINC-8 in the cctalk archives, and there are a quite
a few posts about it, so there might be some more around.
Thank you,