> Is any classic computer 'useful' _as
a computer_ now? Even I realise
> that
> a modern PC will beat the heck out of just about any classic manchine...
Hmm, maybe. I **do** prefer an original MSX to play nemesis than the
best emulation (BlueMSX) avaiable. Also, for running old hardware compatible
of course it is preferable!
And I am sure you know which I'd rather have to repair or keep going :-).
<ARD looks around at the 20 or so classic machines still in very active
use here...)
Also, a MSX (or a TRS-80, or a CoCo, or something useful as a computer)
Actually, I think I'll put in a plug for the BBC Micro again here. It has
an excellent structured BASIC (but it's still interpretted BASIC, so you
can type
10 FOR I = 1 TO 10
20 PRINT "Hello World"
40 END
and RUN it with no more rigmarole, it also has a built-in 6502 assembler,
USER and ADC ports for easy hardware add-ons, and so on.
is waaayyyy better to teach computer programming and
general workings to a
child than a core2quad running crapXP with tons of icons and bilions of API
calls to learn before you write "hello, (expletive deleted) world" on the
Yeo. And if you want to understnad how a computer really works, I think
it's a lot easier to do so with a PDP8 or (old, Unibus) PDP11, the tech
manuals, and some simple test gear than with any modern machine (even if
by some piracly you have scheamtics...)
And that's a perfectly good use of this 8/L, I suyspect...
There's been a bit of talk in the UK recently about the use of computers
in education. I still feel Seymor Papert (?spel) got it right and just
about everyone else gets it wrong. The child should learn to program the
computer, not have the computer program the child. I know that if I had
children, I would object most strongly if computer lessons consisted of
learning how to use popular-for-the-time applications (under any OS, this
is not Windows-bashing!). I believe most people should learn to program,
not because they are going to be employed as programmers, but because
programming involves the essential skills of breaking a problem down,
thinking how to solve each part, testing the solution, and so on.