>>>> "patrick" == patrick
<Patrick> writes:
> Also, if you want capacity, you should be looking
at (S)ATA disk
> based solutions, of which there are a bunch, not SCSI or FC based.
> SCSI and FC are the ultra high performance technology point, not
> the high capacity point.
patrick> Indeed, and I guess I'm kind of stuck on "classic" SAN
patrick> hardware, which is generally SCSI and FC. I think the
patrick> really big SAN equipment is pretty much all SCSI and FC, and
patrick> I think for this application you need the economy of scale
patrick> that comes from a SAN with lots of drives and relatively few
patrick> processors, switches, and other supporting equipment. Every
patrick> time you have to add that non-storage stuff, you're just
patrick> adding to cost of goods. I've seen small SATA SANs, but not
patrick> big 42-unit rack type things yet. Is anybody making them
patrick> yet? Using them?
We make them, and our customers use them. 14 drive building blocks,
which combine into groups for bigger configurations (more space, more
speed). 4 unit groups (16 TB) are common. We have run internal tests
quite a lot larger than that.
Some people would like you to believe that iSCSI and SATA are only for
the low end. Don't believe them, it's not true.