Subject: Re: Collectables?
From: "Chuck Guzis" <cclist at>
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2005 18:46:26 -0800
To: cctalk at
On 11/12/2005 at 9:30 PM Allison wrote:
Two different companies. IMS was a bit later time
frame and did produce
upgrades for Altair. In fact just about everyone produced upgrades of
one form or another. Typically backplanes, power supplies, RAM, CPU and
of course FDC were often seen. About the only part not commonly upgraded
in an Altair was the front pannel though that could be done as well.
....and if memory serves, for a time IMS also offered trade-in deals for
owners of MITS 8800 systems. Having used (but not owned) both, I liked the
IMSAI a lot better as regards quality of construction than the MITS.
Eventually all of my cards wound up in an Integrand Systems no-blinking
lights box with a many-slot actively-terminated motherboard. But I still
have the MITS box.
Original topic: I'd like to get that Polymorphic to build a small system.
I'm thinking Cpro CPUZ, Cpro Disk1A, Interfacer-II and Ram22. That will
build a z80, floppy interfaced, 256k with enough parallel IO to do an
Current topic: Yes, IMSAI did offer a trade in.
I'd used both and prefered the IMSAI. IMSAI was better built hands down
but hit the scene about 6months after MITS. That and the PE article was
visibility that IMSAI didn't initally get. That's why when you an IMSAI
it's more likely to be working than an Altair 8800 (plain or A version).
The 8800B was much improved but way later. However I was fast on the
draw and have a very early Altair which I learned a lot about how to
not engineer things. I hate oneshots as a result. Hence the comments
on mods. Mine was so power short that with 12k ram parallel IO and
a 88ACR casette board the +8volt line was really 7.5...barely. I
rewound the transformer so that would run a reasonable complement of
cards. Mine has every mod but the FP as a result. The FP would have
been next if I didn't GO NS* as the switches from toggling in the boots
were getting really tired. That speaks for why after two years and a
few months when the North*Star box was available I was right on it.
On a related note I've been doing some 1802 coding and that 1977 NS*
box is still running Avocets 1802 assembler under cp/m. Still kicking
after 27+ years.