On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 3:31 PM, Ian S. King <isking
at uw.edu> wrote:
On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 12:23 PM, Noel Chiappa
<jnc at mercury.lcs.mit.edu>
If you have an actual 11/20, you should be
ecstatic! ;-)
Yes, its faceplate reads 'PDP-11', not 'PDP-11/20'.
I am half sad. My 11/20 faceplate reads 11/20 (I'm only half-sad
because at least I _have_ an 11/20... just need to spend a bunch of
time fixing it since it's in pieces).
And I actually have *two* 11/20's. Both read "pdp11/20" on the faceplate.
I know the vintage of one of them - I worked with it in 1971 as an
engineering student. That one still has its RC disk which works, and
runs (I have DOS installed on it, just as it originally ran).
The other has some Diablo 30 (RK03) disks, which are not entirely happy
at present.