On Jun 14, 2015, at 2:00 PM, Ethan Dicks <ethan.dicks at gmail.com> wrote:
I wouldn't assume anything with serial ports,
especially vintage ones.
Look into getting a "traffic light" that displays state on LEDs
Back in college in the HP lab we had these really nice RS232 breakout boxes with jumper
pins and LEDs that were in a sort of pink case. While I used them all the time I can no
longer remember who made them or find anything close.
Also, some hardware needs hardware flow control
present and working.
Newer stuff is fast enough that mostly, people just do 3-wire serial
(RxD, TxD, and GND), but stuff from the 1970s is expecting CTS and RTS
and all that to do the proper things.
The manual says that it uses DTR for flow control and doesn?t mention DSR, so I suspect
it?s a one-way thing like the HP terminals and only tells the other end to stop and will
send whenever it wants without checking if it?s ok.
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