Really when you think about it. There really is only one original
Mark-8. The one done by Jon himself. Since they never were produced
and were only sold as a set of plans.
Rob Borsuk
ps. No offence taken. It's interesting to see the different opinions
pss. Al finished the Mark-8 then turned to the internet
On Wednesday, March 12, 2003, at 12:47 PM, Bryan Blackburn wrote:
All in fun, my friend, no offense taken or intended. I am just
suggesting that "original" implies something different than something
identical but recent. (For a few million bucks, building a Rolls Royce
gets easier!)
> I'm sorry. I knew this would start something. Just because something
> can be built cheaper doesn't mean I have the time to do it. I can
> build a Mark - 8 easier then a Rolls Royce.
> Again, sorry I said anything