List members,
I reach the point that I need to decide what license I will use when
I release my project. I myself do not have a preference. I am planning
to replace the unknown-license 53C90 sample code with linux or NetBSD
53C90 driver code. If I use the linux code, I have to release it with
GPL. If I use the NetBSD code, I am not able to release it in GPL. I
will let you guys decide, since you are the end users. To avoid
flooding the mailing list, you can send me private email if you do not
have a public message.
When I release the project, only 512 B/B CDROM and HD will be
supported. There might be a need to add support for other format
CDROMs (easy) or SCSI tapes (difficult) or other devices down the
road. Bear this in mind when you vote.
vax, 9000