...this does
*not* qualify! Argh!
So, let's look at what I have--old models (not
production, but
scrapped prototypes). They didn't work very well and were never the
finished product
Those help - but neither was clear to me from your post. You said they
were "old models of [the device]", and as I hope everyone here knows,
"old models" != "nonworking", and definitely != "unwanted".
With no BIOS and no schematics, how on earth is it
useful doing
anything with them other than scrapping them?
The same could be said of much of the hardware which is salvaged and
then made workable again. As for "how", well, schematics can be traced
from boards - I've done it in simple cases and
others here have done it
in much more complex cases - and, that aside, just because
you don't
have suitable ROMs doesn't mean nobody does. (Perhaps nobody in fact
does, and what you've now said makes that seem more plausible, but
based on what you said before, I saw no reason to think that.)
I suspect that the original producer would have
scrapped them for
parts if it could have done so economically.
Lots of hardware producers scrap things that we (FSVO "we") find
eminently worth salvaging.
I've got two of these and don't need a second
one. Why should I
assume the burden of keeping a second around? That's what's called a
white elephant.
Sure, but to dissect it for parts before even checking if anyone else
has any use for it? That's something I regularly dealers reviled for
It isn't as if there's nothing around that can
better perform the
same function as the original. Modern PCs run faster, have better
displays and printing and lots more storage.
As anyone on this list should know, performing the same function, even
if actually done (and depending bus compatability, even the modern
analog - a PC Weasel - may not perform the same function), does not
mean that nobody wants the older version.
Again, what you've now said makes that seem less likely (but still not
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