What I'm wondering is if one's feelings about
"collectable" systems have
more to do with the level of exposure to the internals of the hardware than
with any intrinsic novelty of the hardware itself.
I think for some of us it does, I have "fond spots" for various systems that
I spent untold time digging into every details of .... however I think that it
may be more because "thats what we do" than a special thing about low-
level activity in general.
I get frequent emails from people who tell me about how a photo on my
site has stirred fond memories of long-gone systems. Most of these are
from users who don't program - or programmed very
little, definately not
assembly types. I get authors telling me how they wrote their
first books
on such and such a machine. Others tell me about varous software
packages that they liked. Each found the machine unique and interesting
for different reasons realting to what they used them for.
Does this make sense? Since fewer folks are using
assembly or machine
language, does this account for the indifference to modern hardware?
Computers used to be special - If you didn't have one, you worked to get into
a position where you could use one. Off-time at the job site, or gettng to know
the lucky SOB across town who has one. Some of us designed and built our
own as it was the fastesst way to get "a machine". Each setup was different,
different cards, prcoessors, system software - all unique and highly interesting.
You would spend days/weeks/months figuring out how "everything worked".
There was a certain joy in the creative aspect of doing a lot of it yourself as
well. I wrote my own OS's, languages, tools, utilities and lots more - just
because I found it fun.
Now computers are more common than toasters (really - most of the people I
know have more computers than toasters) - did you find your toaster especially
interesting in the "old days"? Want a computer? - Just take a stroll down a
few city streets on the evening before trash pickup. Unique - Yeah, if you count
that fact that system A) has a different video driver and consequently exhibits
different apparently unrelated bugs than system B) ... Want to understand
everything about it? - good luck just disassembling the BIOS - not to mention
the 100megs of "os". Want datasheets on the proprietary chips in the various
peripherals - good luck (here's your winblows driver, have a nice day - and don't
forget to update it from our web site). Want to write your own code - OK, this
huge stack of manuals (excuse me - PDF files) is an approcimation of the API
specs for the library that hides the undocumented details of the OS from you,
yeah it seems daunting, but just pickup up a "learn to design complex software
systems in 21 days" book - feh... computers are no longer interesting - they are
overly complicated bug-ridden toasters. (but generally not as useful).
dave06a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
com Collector of vintage computing equipment: