On Nov 20, 2007 1:59 AM, Ensor <classiccmp at
memory-alpha.org.uk> wrote:
Point in case, I have a "200GB" Maxtor
drive in this machine, which is
*actually* a 186GB drive. Both sizes are quite correct depending on your
definition of "Kilo", "Mega" etc.
Since computers operate in binary, it makes *VASTLY* more sense for "Kilo"
to be defined as 1024 than 1000 (2^10) etc.
Most operating systems I've used tend to agree....
Indeed, and Seagate got sued for exactly this not too long ago:
Hopefully this "1MB = 1000000 bytes" rubbish the drive manufacturers
keep peddling will be over soon. I can't imagine even the marketers
like class-action lawsuits that much.