As apparently nobody else wanted it, and I was
picking up some other bits at the time,[*] I was
given a big box (about 4 cubic foot) of C64
software last week. Mostly cassette based stuff,
and most with boxes, books, etc., although I
haven't looked through it properly - I don't have
a C64, or anything commodore, to use them
with! I was told there are some rare gems in there...
Anyway, it's all free to anybody who can collect
(Salford/Manchester, UK) //this week or weekend//
or is willing to pay for the postage plus a
couple of quid for my time finding a better box
and re-packing it. (Postage would be about ?8
within UK if I remember my local carrier prices correctly.)
direct email -
[*] This came from the local freecycle list and
as such you should feel honor bound not to take
it simply to sell it for profit.