Based on the recommendations of the list, I bought a used LeCroy 9400 scope (O.K.- I went
down to Boeing Surplus and they happened
to have one close to my price range, and since it had come up on the list I knew that it
would work [you can get good stuff at Boeing, but
you can also get stuff that's very good for testing the rudder system in a 757, but
not for much else]. I still give you guys credit, though).
Anyway, two questions: What's a good set of resonably priced but decent probe-type
things to start with? I went to a electronics shop and
was quoted $100 for a set - I'd rather not pay as much for the probes as I did for the
scope if I don't have to. MCM has several listed in the
~$50 range, but I don't know what to look for or if they are any good.
(2) What's a good introduction to actually using the thing? I got the 9400 (A) manual
from LeCroy [Aside - there's something really wrong
when the company recommends you buy a copy of Norton Anti-Virus to run on your SCOPE!].
I know basically what a scope does, and have used one twice, but that's it.
I also have a 555 in the garage, should I start on that and move to the DSO? I didn't
ever use the 555 (had it 7 years), because it was ~110 Lbs
and no probes.
Scott Quinn
PS- regarding analog meters- been looking at them (not seriously), and haven't found
much. What's a good one, and do they still make the FET
versions of the VTVM (MCM doesn't seem to list any).