On 25 Apr 98 at 21:45, William Donzelli wrote:
Ok, since I
intend to use this thing to work on computer related gear older
than 10 years old (my 083 card sorter for example), I'm proclaiming this
inquiry off-limits for random flamage! B^}
Use a real tube tester (TV-7*/U or the like)!
Why does this remind me of a PC newsgroup post ? : ^ ))
EICO was considered higher quality than Heath Kits audio gear and made
excellent test equipment for the home-tech market in the tube era. Many
old-tube enthusiasts still use them . NOS tubes go at a higher premium than the
only available new Sovtech or defective Chinese ones cause they're better
quality. Why not use equipment extant to when they were produced ? And will
any of the logic analysers, for example, of the present era still be functional
in the year 2040 ?
Even more off-topic; but many high-end audio people are spending
big bucks for tube-emulators to breathe the life into their digital CDs.,
that I get, matter of course, on my 45 year old EICO tube amps.
Does anyone
out there have info (like the tube/switch charts) for an EICO
Model 635 portable tube tester? I've picked up one that is in very good
shape, but is otherwise useless without the charts for switch settings.
have a model 625 I use for old audio equipment. If it's anything like my
m.625 they're a neat little machine. They do the job. I don't know if the
settings are the same for the 635. Ask on rec.audio.tubes and/or rec.audio and
someone should know. If so I'll see if I can get a scan of my sheets and send
them on to you.
What tubes do you need to test? I could post the
numbers to the
Boatanchors list, and someone will probably have the settings on hand.
Bill I'm shocked. Hope that list name was chosen in derision of
the throw-away
generation. : ^ ))
William Donzelli
ciao larry