On Tue, 4 Jun 2013, Dave McGuire wrote:
I've seen that here and there as well, and now that you mention it, these
types of people do seem to be a lot more common than the engineers who love
engineering but just aren't good at it. The "I do this all day at work, I
don't want to even THINK about it after 5PM!" types.
I've found that people that get into engineering or programming to chase
the paycheck are universally bad at it. If you don't have a passion for
the field, you'll never be more than mediocre at it.
I've been programming since 1983. Not because I think it'll bring me fame
and fortune, but because I can't NOT write software. I know that I'm not
the best programmer out there, but I also know that the number worse at it
than I am vastly outnumber those that are better than I am. :)
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