I too watch the library and archive software world and also lurk in
#CODE4LIB on freenode.
Some open source stuff is mentioned here
A lot of them rely on SOLR which is based on Lucene for their searches.
Part numbers include short and popular words that most search engines
ignore and dont index.
Table of contents does not seem well catered for in marc records,
which is one of the reasons I have not switched to any of the open
source systems.
Dave Caroline
On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 12:53 PM, Jan-Benedict Glaw <jbglaw at lug-owl.de> wrote:
On Mon, 2010-04-19 15:57:42 +0200, Steve Maddison
<steve at cosam.org> wrote:
Since then it seems to have gone quiet. Did
anyone end up doing
anything with the dump, or were all the requests for this simply to
ensure that the raw data was preserved?
I've not yet done a lot with it, though I downloaded it when it was
made available and inspected it a bit.
After moving to a new flat, I actually realized how many books and
magazines my girlfriend and I own. That made me think about an
Integrated Library System (ILS), so we're thinking to use Koha[1] to
manage all our stuff. (For now, that's only like getting an overview
over all of our available books.)
Manx is, to some extend, a search frontend to a distributed library
with a number of branches (where actual data is stored, like on the
Manx site itself, or on Bitkeepers, or ...)
What's missing in a typical ILS is working on TOC data; however, I
guess that this can be added by mapping a number of MARC 21/UNIMARC
fields. So instead of hacking an own "Manx", it could be fruitful to
use something like Koha, possibly extending it a bit. Even right now,
you can attach URLs or files (eg. the PDF files) to an entry. Being
new to Koha, full-text (and TOC) searching might not be possible right
now, but it might be worth discussing it with the Koha people. (I'll
at least do that on IRC sometime soon.)
? ? ?Jan-Benedict Glaw ? ? ?jbglaw at lug-owl.de ? ? ? ? ? ? ?+49-172-7608481
Signature of: ? ? ? ? ?GDB has a 'break' feature; why doesn't it have
'fix' too?
the second ?: