I am both confused and intrigued...
I love decayed building. There is something about the history, with
failure and personal pain caused as an expensive asset is converted to
pile of rubble.
Oh wait, I meant Hate.
Jim Davis.
Adrian Stoness wrote:
u guys would hate me lol
suggest checking abandonded buildings seariously....
On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 4:49 PM, Paul Anderson <wackyvorlon at me.com> wrote:
> Truth be told, I'd also love to find one. I've seen them come up for sale
> on the Fair Radio Sales website every so often, but they are stateside and
> as such shipping would be an issue.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2012-09-02, at 11:05 AM, Dareck Gorecki <dareckgorecki at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello. I'm looking for a teletype in ontario and was wondering if you
> could
>> recommend someone here in Canada to speak with. Its a very peculiar
>> interest and came across your thread. Any direction is of interest.
> Thanks.