It would be very useful to know if this is a
floppy controller error or a
hard idsk cotnroller error.
Yes, I'd like to know that myself!
I'cve had a look at the I/O board schematics on thw web, the Widget
interface seems to be a parallel 8bit data bus + control lines, somewhat
akin to SASI/SCSI. It's implemented using a 6522 adn a little TTL.
The data lines are used for some other function (contrast control I
think), so if that works the 6522 is probably working. If there's a hard
disk problem it's in the Widget itself.
Right. This is
a Sony 400K drive, as in the other Lisa, right? To
eliminate the silly faults, I would at least check the power at the drive
connector, and also see what the various signals are doing.
Good idea.
From the I.O board schematics, it appears the floppy
controller and
interface is what I'd expect...
2) Check the
logic signals the floppy drive interface connector. Is there
any activity (changing signals) here? Anything chenge when you put a disk
Nope the drive is dead. And this time even with DD disks! Lights are on
inside it though so it might be getting power. The drive's been
cleaned/relubed and the platter turns. It would be worth me checking out
the signals on the card edge though and comparing them to the working
That's what I meant. Do any of the signals on the interface conenctor
change when you put a DD disk in?
4) The floppy coitnroller has its own 6504
microprocessor I believe. Can
you see activity (changing signals) on the address and data bus of this
I swapped out with a known good one, and it didn't make any difference.
Err no. The point of checki nthe signals is not because I suspect the
6504 iteslf, but because I wanty to know if it's doing anything. A
microprocesosr cna appear 'dard' becuase it's not getting a clock signal,
or because it's being held in the reset state.