> > > Is it that easy to mod the TTY? Where
do you get the relay?
> >
> > The instructions for doing this are in at least one DEC printest,
> > instructions are in the Intel MCS8i manual,
and doubtless elsewhere.
> I found them. I'd still need relay part number 4915. There are also
things called
"thyractors" called for.
IIRC, a thyractor is some kind of overvoltage clamping device. You could
probably replace it with a pair of zener diodes in inverse series, or
with a VDR.
I Googled for thyractors, which seem to be chokes combined with thyristors.
Then I googled for thyristors, which are roughly as you describe. None of
which helped me understand the TTY mods.
> > No idea where you'd get the relay these days. I wonder if you could
> > design a solid-state switching circuit that would work, with an
> > opto-isolator on the input
> Maybe, if I had specs for the relay. If I had the specs, I might even
able to tell
if I have a prayer of delivering sufficient drive current,
I have no idea what the official spec is, but the DEC cards didn't supply
that much current (I would guess at less than 100mA, but that is a guess).
Curiouser...my "Figure 5-7 Teletype Connections" shows a resistor in series
with the relay in the 4915 reader control. Also, my inspection of one of
my M706 modules shows the resistor is 1/2W. That implies that at 150 ohms
(if I applied my IIR rule correctly), there can't be more than 57ma through
it. I'd love to know the value of that resistor in series with the relay!
> though I'd still prefer to test on real
hardware before having a bunch
Agreed.... Pity my ASR33 is almost impossible to get to, or I'd measure
the relay coil current for you (mine has an official DEC modification PCB
in it).