I have a policy now of /not/ donating
computer-related items to any sort of
museum simply because of this. I'd rather something collect dust in my own
storage than have it be buried forever in a museum's "archive" where it is
inaccessible. Locking things away from people who might have a genuine
interest in them is imo just not right.
In all honesty, have you every actually ever *talked* with museum
staff about this? You will find out that most museums are quite happy
Yes, I have. I have asked to see artefacts in storage. I have asked if
they could retrieve soemthing so I could see it (and then I would pay a
future visit when it was available). Never got anywhere.
Look, unless you have visitied computer museums in the UK and asked such
questiosn then IMHO yuo don't know what the hell you are talking about.
Museumes elsewhere might have very differnet policies. I am talking
_only_ about the museums I have visited and/or sent (postal or
electronic) mail to, asking for information on particular exhibits. I
have never receieved anything useful.