----- Original Message -----
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 14:28:01 -0500
From: Jules Richardson <jules.richardson99 at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Usb typewriter
Fred Cisin wrote:
On Fri, 11 Mar 2011, SPC wrote:
I suppose this is well known for all of you, but
I didn't hear about it.
But, . . .
It uses the typewriter for input only. As long as it's connecting to all
of the mechanical key linkage, why not also have the solenoids needed to
print using the typewriter?
And anyway, I want an RS-232 version.
------ Reply: -----
Then I have a nice Olivetti typewriter with RO RS-232 interface for you!
Also lots of the interface boards if you want to make your own, and even a
book about interfacing Selectrics if you prefer that route... ;-)
Yeah, I saw that USB manual TW conversion a year or so ago when it was just
a Make blog/video; looks like he's turned it into a nice little business at
those prices ;-)