Adrian Vickers wrote:
At 12:11 12/05/2002, you wrote:
Does anyone want an ACT Sirius with original
manuals (C/PM etc), floppies,
daisywheel printer etc?
I'd love one; especially if it's a UK unit.
I have a spare one, in Bristol, UK.
Q: Did all ACT Sirius machines come with a
touchscreen? The one I used to
use donkeys years ago did (along with a special pen).
Simple answer: no. You must have had a special add-on there. But
I'm confused about the pen -- do you mean a touchscreen that you
could operate with your finger, or a screen with a lightpen that
picked up signals from the CRT? I suspect that the lightpen may
have been a more "standard" add-on than a fully touch-sensitive
Trivia that surely everybody will know: the Sirius was designed
by Chuck Peddle, the designer of the 6502 chip and the Commodore
John Honniball