<Never moved a LA-120 so fast in my life... Oh, my boss heard what happene
<When asked "when they fix th' 100, you want me to swap it back?", the
<was a brief "Nope!". I actually have one of those "evil"
LA-100's.. Glad
<my dislike for th' thing..
Little history since I was in that group. The LA120 was the longest
running hardcopy printer dec ever made. It's hallmarks were rugged as
hell, ugly print quality even through 8 copies of NCR paper! I used to
call it the paper punch as to do 8 copies you had to really punch it.
Inside DEC it was the preferred hardcopy console.
I also happen to have a LA100RO and as a wide platten printer of later
design it was pretty good. It also was spec'd to 6 copies thick.