BTW, there IS a
4MB (more?) memory upgrade for the C64, there is also a
20Mhz 65816 upgrade for it.
Yea, there is the Turbo 816 upgrade for the Atari too. It never went very
far though. In 816 mode compatability suffers badly.
I'm pretty sure CMD is still manufacturing the SuperCPU modules. I don't
know if there are any compatibility issues with it however, since I've
never owned one.
Man. I
haven't had that much fun since the great Computer War of 1985.
Me too. Back then though a lot of the folks were just ignorant flamers.
This group is a bit more mature and knowledgable.... ;-)
I miss the really insane BBS battling that went on back then. I'm hoping
that _real_ bulletin board systems will start a slow comeback, but I'm
probably just wishing in the wind. :)