There are also a number of available commercial replicas that use a
microprocessor rather than discrete logic.
Software is compatable, has all the switches and blinken lights.
A full system can be aquired for under $1000 (much cheaper if you build it
I have one here that I picked up a while back to keep the cravings within
reason until I can
Find a real on (Link/8, /I /L /E in order of preference for anyone thinking
of parting with something.
My greatest desire is getting a working TU-56 drive. But these seem to be in
very short supply..
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: cctalk-bounces(a)
>> [] On Behalf Of William Donzelli
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 6:07 PM
>> To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
>> Cc: General Discussion: On-Topic Posts Only
>> Subject: Re: Computer Replicas
>> > I think you need a bit of perspective here! "Lots of us" is a
>> > microscopic crowd, a very few hardcore collectors with the $ to
>> > stockpile.
>> I think the number of people on this list with PDPs of some
>> flavor would be quite high - maybe at least 20 percent? It
>> is a rough guess, but judging from the posts here and there
>> over the years...
>> As far as "$ to stockpile" - almost anyone on this list
>> could have a PDP-8 (with the exception of a Straight,
>> LINC-8, or -8/S) if they put their mind to it. They are
>> still out there, so if money is problem, old fashioned
>> legwork will eventually pay off. An then there is ebay, of
>> course, and we all know that quite few PDP-8s appear every
>> year. Spending $1000-2000 for a PDP-8 (maybe an 8/E) is
>> really not completely insane. Put in some overtime, wheel
>> and deal, sacrifice a few other luxuries, whatever - budget
>> and save and that $2000 will appear.
>> Now an S/360 is a different matter. I have worked my legs
>> for something like seven years for one, and nothing has
>> come my way (although I missed that model 22 by a few
>> weeks, I think). I have also made a serious budget for one
>> if Ebay finally pops one up, but none have. Where am I to get one?
>> William Donzelli
>> aw288(a)