On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 4:20 PM, Tony Duell <ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> What I'm not seeing is any terminal output. I
discovered there's a small
> 2A fuse on the quad serial card (DLV11-J) which had blown. Replaced this
> and now have the correct -12V on that card.
Important (I'm sure the EIA drivers/receivers won't be happy without that).
> Still no activity on Tx
> though. I've double checked all the jumpers on that card, port 3 is set
> for the console address, 9600 baud, RS232. I've checked the Tx pin on
> the UART and no activity there also, so it's not a line driver issue.
Good to check (I've occasionally run into bad line receivers on DEC
gear (probably caused by ESD), but rarely have I seen bad line
Bear in mind
I'm new to the PDP-11 so all this is taking some time since
I'm learning as I go...
I'm trying to build the simplest
possible system at the moment to get anything ?working. If I've
understood corectly then just having the CPU+serial card should get me
the '@' ODT prompt. It doesn't. I've tried other combinations of
CPU+memory+serial+BDV etc.
I think ou need some RAM memory for it to work properly.
AFAIK, that is correct.
I don;t think
the grant chains are an issue at this point, but I'd put the CPU in the
far right slot (where it was origianly), then memory immediately to the
left of itm then the serial board -- with no gaps between them.
Yep. Don't worry about the long gap between the serial board and the
BDV-11 - there's nothing on it that needs granting.
backplane is one with CD interconnect, and all the dual-height boards go
in the rear pair of connectors.
For a picture of the "ideal" MINC layout, have a look at page 8...