I wasn't into computers at the time (I was 6 or 7) But my father used to
take me on Dumpster Safaris at Charleston Naval Base, where he worked
(civilian). Man, they used to throw out all sorts of stuff, some of it just
had a few scratches on it. I remember seeing oscilloscopes, radio gear,
terminals, tools, office furniture, you could live in one of those
dumpsters (Hey, I was 6. I didn't have great expectations.) My big thing
back then was swapping wires on connections, juicing it up, and see what
explodes. Now I'm all grown up! :)
-John Higginbotham-
My former step-father took me to that dump often;
Hoo boy! Done that and been there! :)) The dump belonged to a small
miltary base nothing to write about, all you find is usual household
stuff and rare office stuff. No hard goodie stuff seen. :( boo
hiss! Only once, partially parted out dial-type wet-type
toner copier.
Threw few bad lightbulbs, some bounced about like basketball, some
shattered on first impact or second. :) Sometimes we needed some
parts to take and sometimes we used a spade to literally chop off
thick bundle of wires to seperate the 2 parts. And endless supply of
working top quality vacuum cleaners!?! Decent tear down, cleaned
and taken care of ended up many perfect working condition stuff from
Jason D.
email: jpero(a)cgo.wave.ca
Pero, Jason D.