I'm still kicking myself for passing up an IBM mainframe and a Sun 2000
that my previous employer no longer needed. I reasoned that I didn't have
space or power for them; never let logic and good sense dictate your
actions :)
Connor picked a great learning experience... EE, CS, and other disciplines
such as civil engineering, all rolled into one experience.
On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 8:09 PM, Matt Patoray <mspproductions at gmail.com>
Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 29, 2016, at 7:28 PM, Jay West <jwest
at classiccmp.org> wrote:
Evan wrote...
Connor is a member of our user group here in the
Mid-Atlantic. He's
been learning at an astonishingly quick rate!
He's been a member on this list for quite some time, and is a regular on
evening crew of the #classiccmp irc channel as well.
He was working on a DG Nova 3 before the Z machine arrived, hope he gets
back to
it as well :)
I got to see that DG just after he picked it up in Akron. He stopped by
the Large Scale Systems Museum in New Kensington PA and we gave it a look
over and also discussed the docs he got with it and what to tackle first.
Now if only it had come with some of those cool blue/green DG terminals :)
I still remover the day he sat down in front of the HP 2116B, he had never
touched a blinking light front panel, he asked if Dave or I minded if he
erased the program in memory, we said no, he powered it on and 2 min later
was reading the programming docs for it and wrote a quick blinking lights
program in like 15 min.
Connor is a good guy!